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Training offer

Professional BA Degree “Protection and enhancement of the historical and cultural heritage specialty Designer of Heritage Touristic Products »

Professional BA Degree “Protection and enhancement of the historical and cultural heritage specialty Designer of Heritage Touristic Products »

Grenoble Alps University (CERMOSEM)

Level VI 900h

Training to learn to inventory the heritage, natural and cultural capital of a territory in order to define touristic products adapted to the requirements of the territory, the economy and customers. Thus, it allows holders to collaborate in the creation, evaluation, development and promotion of complete touristic packages.

Conditions d'accès : BTS (Advanced Technician’s certificate, BA, TUD, APEL, APEPL)

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Scientific and Environment Training

Scientific and Environment Training

Speleology French Federation

Documentation, gestion des milieux 18h

These courses are modules which aim to complete the technical training of the speleologist. Many scientific themes, documentation techniques can be proposed among which we can find : Photography/ Karstology/ Hydrogeology/ Biospeleology/ Topography/ Underground markup/ Archeology.

These modules are open to all curious speleologists and do not require any particular physical or technical commitment.

Location : Bourgogne-Franche-Comté/ Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes/ Provence-AlpesCôte-D’azur/ Occitanie/ Nouvelle Aquitaine

Access conditions : FSF Member

Conditions d'accès : FFS Member

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