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Training Catalog
Progress on rope level 2 (Module under development)
Under the responsibility of a competent person, you can explore a cavity or a cliff on simple obstacles.
Targeted skills :
Name, position and adjust the individual equipment necessary to progress underground. Progress on varied situation (climbing, de-climbing). Identify a handrail and know how to move safely on it. Move on ropes when climbing and descending : identify a wellhead, put my descender and descend a small vertical, stop on a rope with a descender, cross a deviation on both the descent and the climb, cross a simple splitting on the descent as on the ascent. Manage my emotions related to progression techniques. Respect the environment in which I progress.
Targeted audience :
Agents of structures managing protected natural areas or touristic caves, students, higher education teachers, researchers, technicians from design offices.
Terms of Access :
Be able to justify an experience in progress on ropes in the last two years : level 3rd bat delivered by the FFS or the SNPSC or to have followed level 1. Regular sports practice.
Contacts :
Judicaël Arnaud – Ardèche Speleology Departmental Commitee : cds07@wanadoo.fr – 0033/(0)
Vincent Rouyer – CREPS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes: vincent.rouyer@creps-rhonealpes.sports.gouv.fr – 0033/(0)
Certificate of Federal Speleology Initiator
Speleology French Federation
The certificate of federal initiator of speleology constitutes the first degree of teaching certificates of the French Federation of Speleology. The federal initiator of speleology is above all a club trainer, but is also empowered to supervise personal training internships, various teaching actions and specialized internships according to his skills and within the limits of his prerogatives within the FFS and within organizations outside the FFS in primary schools for class 2 cavities.
Minimum age 16 years old (with parental authorization, certificate issued at 18 years old)
Places :
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté/ Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes/ Provence-Alpes-CôteD’azur/ Occitanie/ Nouvelle Aquitaine
Master Geography (M1, M2) – M2 Geographies, Man-environment areas, resources (GEOSPHERES)
Savoie Mont Blanc University
Training focused on the place of research in the definition of environmental, sociocultural and territorial responses adapted to the context of current global change (climatic, economic, uses, etc.). It is part of a global approach to the current problems of knowledge of geosystems (mountain, karst, rural …) of integrated management and reasoned development. Anchored in the interdisciplinary synergies between environmental and territorial research/engineering, the course offers around thirty modules on current research concepts and on tools for acquiring and processing spatial data.
Duration : 1 year including an internship of 4 to 6 months in the EDYTEM laboratory
Access conditions : Master 1 in geography, environmental sciences, geosciences, human and social sciences, engineers in 3rd year of Ecole des Mines, continuing education (after validation of prior learning).
Access terms : BA, APEL, APEPL
Progress on rope level 1 (module under development)
Speleology French Federation
Under the responsibility of a competent person, you can explore a cavity or a cliff on simple obstacles.
Targeted skills :
Name, position and adjust the individual equipment necessary to progress underground. Progress on varied situations (climbing, de-climbing). Identify a handrail and know how to move safely on it. Move on ropes when climbing and descending : identify a wellhead, put my descender and descend a small vertical, stop on a rope with a descender, cross a deviation on both the descent and the climb, cross a simple splitting on the descent as on the climb. Manage my emotions related to progress techniques. Respect the environment in which I progress.
Targeted audience :
Agents of structures managing protected natural areas or touristic caves, students, higher education teachers, researchers, technicians from design offices.
Terms of Access :
Sports practice desired
Contacts :
Judicaël Arnaud – Ardeche Speleology Departmental Commitee : cds07@wanadoo.fr – 0033/(0)
Vincent Rouyer – CREPS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes: vincent.rouyer@creps-rhonealpes.sports.gouv.fr – 0033/(0)
Engineer Diploma « EER, Environment, Energy and Risks »
IMT Mines Alès
The Environment, Energy & Risks department aims to train engineers capable of ensuring the development and quality of life of future generations while protecting our planet. It is divided into two options, Energy and Environment, and Natural and Industrial Risks.
The «Energy and Environment» option is dedicated to two major issues of society : the control of energy and the preservation of the environment. Students from this course will be able to imagine and propose intelligent, efficient and sustainable solutions to meet the expectations of reducing environmental impact and energy performance. Along with strong technical skills, they will demonstrate real leadership, communication and convincing skills. They can integrate large groups, Smes/Smis, engineering offices, communities as a Research Manager, Business Manager, Site Manager or Environment Manager. They are addressed to become, eventually, managers.
The engineer specializing in major risks relies on solid generalist training. This expert has a very good knowledge of major risks, of the modeling of their consequences, of their impacts on the territory and of the means of prevention and crisis management. He can evolve as well as a manager in the QHSE (Quality, Hygiene, Safety, Environment) direction of an industrial company or in a design and engineering office in risks (technological and natural risks) as in administration or the local collectives.
Access conditions : Preparation course, DUT, License, Master 1, APEL classes
Licence Professionnelle « Guide conférencier »
Grenoble Alps University (CERMOSEM)
Training aimed at professionalizing those involved in guiding in touristic, cultural and heritage sites by acquiring tools and methods of mediation, as well as those involved in interpretation and museography. It gives access to the professional licence, necessary to guide in the museums of France, the national monuments and the Cities and Countries of Art and History.
Professional BA Degree “Protection and enhancement of the historical and cultural heritage specialty Designer of Heritage Touristic Products »
Grenoble Alps University (CERMOSEM)
Training to learn to inventory the heritage, natural and cultural capital of a territory in order to define touristic products adapted to the requirements of the territory, the economy and customers. Thus, it allows holders to collaborate in the creation, evaluation, development and promotion of complete touristic packages.
Master Geography (M1, M2) – M2 – Tourism, mountains, territories (TMT)
Savoie Mont Blanc University
The master offers tools for reflection and analysis on the methods of tourism in mountain areas and remarkable natural areas. Through questions relating to the environment, spatial planning and the tourism space, the master mobilizes innovative research while offering applied dimensions.
Access conditions : The M2 is open to candidates who have validated a 1st year of a national diploma conferring the master’s degree or a 1st year of a second cycle diploma approved by the State if it corresponds to the level of required studies as well as to candidates who benefit from a validation of acquired knowledge.