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Our Members

Grenoble Alps University (CERMOSEM)

Grenoble Alps University (CERMOSEM)

CERMOSEM is a branch of the University of Grenoble Alps (UGA), attached to the Alpine Town Planning and Geography Institute and to the PACTE research…

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SAS La Verna PSM

SAS La Verna PSM

Enter the underground adventure of the Gouffre de la Pierre Saint Martin. Life-size speleology in an exceptional geological site accessible to…

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The ANECAT (National Association of Operators of Caves Developed for Tourism)

The ANECAT (National Association of Operators of Caves Developed for Tourism)

The ANECAT has protected, promoted and animated French underground heritage sites for more than 50 years.  Founded in 1952, the ANECAT, the…

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The Saint Marcel Cave

The Saint Marcel Cave

The Saint Marcel Cave Found in 1836, the Saint Marcel Cave is located in the Ardèche Gorges. The name of « Cave » given then and still used today…

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The Madeleine Cave

The Madeleine Cave

The Madeleine Cave owned by the district of St Remèze (07700) is one of the main touristic caves in south-eastern France. It is located in the…

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The Rhone-Alpes Conservatory of Natural Areas (Le Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels Rhône-Alpes)

The Rhone-Alpes Conservatory of Natural Areas (Le Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels Rhône-Alpes)

The CEN Rhone-Alpes, an association under a 1901 law, has been working for thirty years for the conservation of the Rhone-Alpes remarkable natural…

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