Saint-Bauzile fossil deposit – Chemviron diatomite quarry

Classification : Inventoried Geosite (IRPG ARA)

Managing Organization : Chemviron Environment Group

Presentation :

The Saint-Bauzile diatomite quarry is an exceptional fossiliferous site which has produced, thanks to its exploitation, the numerous traces of a paleo-environment of Miocene age (8 million years).

At that time, Coiron volcanism encountered a series of crater lakes, including that of Andance (phreatomagmatic). New volcanic episodes will then lead to the formation of successive deposits of microscopic algae : diatoms which are transformed into diatomites where exceptionally preserved fossils are found.

With paleontologist Bernard Riou, discoverer of a reference collection for this site (gravid hipparion, giant wild boars, antelope, various plants including the oldest chestnut from the Ardèche, etc.), you walk the site and discover both volcanism, its consequences, fossilization but also the exploitation and industrial use of rock.

Scientific or educational interests :

  • quarrying
  • uses of diatomite
  • field fossil search
  • phreatomagmatic volcanism of the Coiron
  • Upper Miocene paleo-environment

Thematic keywords : biology, cartography, climatology, ecology, entomology, study of fauna, sedimentary geology, geomorphology, paleoclimatology, paleontology, landscapes, territorial sciences, volcanology.

Keywords typology of sites : quarry, volcanic site, maar (crater lake).

Access modalities :

  • access to the site is subject to the prior authorization of the manager. It is done with a guide from the Museum of the Ardèche (email request)
  • Friday afternoons only

Possible support

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