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Training offer

Master Geography (M1, M2) – M2 Geographies, Man-environment areas, resources (GEOSPHERES)

Master Geography (M1, M2) – M2 Geographies, Man-environment areas, resources (GEOSPHERES)

Savoie Mont Blanc University

Level VII

Training focused on the place of research in the definition of environmental, sociocultural and territorial responses adapted to the context of current global change (climatic, economic, uses, etc.). It is part of a global approach to the current problems of knowledge of geosystems (mountain, karst, rural …) of integrated management and reasoned development. Anchored in the interdisciplinary synergies between environmental and territorial research/engineering, the course offers around thirty modules on current research concepts and on tools for acquiring and processing spatial data.

Duration : 1 year including an internship of 4 to 6 months in the EDYTEM laboratory

Access conditions : Master 1 in geography, environmental sciences, geosciences, human and social sciences, engineers in 3rd year of Ecole des Mines, continuing education (after validation of prior learning).

Access terms : BA, APEL, APEPL

Conditions d'accès : Licence, VAE, VAPP

En savoir plus

Certificate of Federal Speleology Initiator

Certificate of Federal Speleology Initiator

Speleology French Federation

Other 56h

The certificate of federal initiator of speleology constitutes the first degree of teaching certificates of the French Federation of Speleology. The federal initiator of speleology is above all a club trainer, but is also empowered to supervise personal training internships, various teaching actions and specialized internships according to his skills and within the limits of his prerogatives within the FFS and within organizations outside the FFS in primary schools for class 2 cavities.

Minimum age 16 years old (with parental authorization, certificate issued at 18 years old)

Places :
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté/ Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes/ Provence-Alpes-CôteD’azur/ Occitanie/ Nouvelle Aquitaine

Conditions d'accès : FFS Member

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