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Training offer

BA « Jobs dedicated to the protection and the management of the environment specialty Manager of natural areas and Leisures »
Grenoble Alps University (CERMOSEM)
At the end of this training, you will be able to implement development, maintenance, protection, enhancement and promotion projects for natural areas. You will be able to mediate and lead a policy for the management, planning and development of recreational areas while mastering the understanding of territorial issues by acquiring the methods and tools of territorial engineering (diagnostic of territory, project management, strategic support, GIS, cartography, survey).

Higher State Diploma “Sports performance with caving option »
The DESJEPS attests to a qualification for the exercise of a professional activity of technical expertise and management in the various fields of speleology. It is part of the guidelines of development of outdoor sports carried by the supervisory bodies (Ministry of Sports, Environment, National Education) which take into account educational aspects, access to practice areas, knowledge sharing, multi activity, socio-economic and environmental impacts.
You need to take a compulsory test prior to the training, APEL (excepted UC4)