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Training offer

Progress on rope level 2 (Module under development)
Progress on rope level 2 (Module under development)
Progress on rope level 2 (Module under development)

Progress on rope level 2 (Module under development)


Progression Techniques 24h

Under the responsibility of a competent person, you can explore a cavity or a cliff on simple obstacles.

Targeted skills :

Name, position and adjust the individual equipment necessary to progress underground. Progress on varied situation (climbing, de-climbing). Identify a handrail and know how to move safely on it. Move on ropes when climbing and descending : identify a wellhead, put my descender and descend a small vertical, stop on a rope with a descender, cross a deviation on both the descent and the climb, cross a simple splitting on the descent as on the ascent. Manage my emotions related to progression techniques. Respect the environment in which I progress.

Targeted audience :

Agents of structures managing protected natural areas or touristic caves, students, higher education teachers, researchers, technicians from design offices.

Terms of Access :

Be able to justify an experience in progress on ropes in the last two years : level 3rd bat delivered by the FFS or the SNPSC or to have followed level 1. Regular sports practice.

Contacts :

Judicaël Arnaud – Ardèche Speleology Departmental Commitee : cds07@wanadoo.fr – 0033/(0)

Vincent Rouyer – CREPS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes: vincent.rouyer@creps-rhonealpes.sports.gouv.fr  – 0033/(0)

Higher State Diploma “Sports performance with caving option »

Higher State Diploma “Sports performance with caving option »


Level VI 245h

The DESJEPS attests to a qualification for the exercise of a professional activity of technical expertise and management in the various fields of speleology. It is part of the guidelines of development of outdoor sports carried by the supervisory bodies (Ministry of Sports, Environment, National Education) which take into account educational aspects, access to practice areas, knowledge sharing, multi activity, socio-economic and environmental impacts.

You need to take a compulsory test prior to the training, APEL (excepted UC4)

Conditions d'accès : DE JEPS, VAE

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