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The Saint Marcel Cave

The Saint Marcel Cave

The Saint Marcel Cave

Found in 1836, the Saint Marcel Cave is located in the Ardèche Gorges. The name of « Cave » given then and still used today is no longer entirely relevant since as the speleological explorations progressed, the network of Saint Marcel has grown to become today one of the largest underground networks in France with almost 60 km of galleries. It has been classified as National Heritage for its heritage interest since 1934.

Known by speleologists around the world, for the scale of its development, the beauty and the volumes of its galleries, the Saint Marcel network develops on 230m high with three main levels, two of which are called « fossils » and an active drowned lower level.

The scientific studies in geology, archaeology, hydrology, and climatology carried out on the network contribute to the international reputation of the site.

The Saint Marcel Cave is also a touristic site with a landscaped route of 500m long and a current attendance of 60,000 visitors. We discover a part of the intermediary network : vast galleries sculpted by the work of water, the cathedral hall and its huge concretions as well as the Gours waterfall with its row of more than one hundred calcite basins of water unique in Europe.

Grotte Saint-Marcel2759 route touristique des Gorges 07000 BIDON

Téléphone:04 75 04 38 07