


Karst-3E is a young company that wants to document the karst environment. This gain in understanding the karst environment helps with caving exploration and allows the expertise of quality scientific mediation. Thus Karst-3E is developing in these three sectors :


The investigation of the karst environment (place where there are underground voids) is essential for the knowledge and management of a territory. This localization of karst resources, phenomena and voids, makes it possible to set diagnostics and decision support systems for a set of actors (design offices, local authorities, entrepreneurs, etc…). Associated with that,

Karst-3E also offers in-situ measurements, as well as the equipment and instrumentation of the karst environment, thereby accessing the characterization, assessment of resources and understanding of how it works. This approach allows the creation of geotechnical and hydrological risk studies but also invites the realization of participatory projects involving concepts allowing to reach an ecological transition.

This gain in knowledge and experience makes it possible to offer technical and scientific support for associations, design offices, territory managers, research laboratories and remote expeditions. Thus, this collaborative work comes up to the Research and Development branch in the field of karsts.


The karst environment, by its extraordinary potential, is an ideal support for an active pedagogy. Scientific and environmental mediations highlight the rich heritage, as well as the resources of this environment.

Thus, to reflect this wealth, conferences for all audiences (children, adults, novices or specialists) are organized. Outings, on the ground or in the underground, are set up for holidays centers and primary schools, thus making it possible to realize the concepts learnt.

The teaching of the karst environment can take place over a school year, the educational program will then be worked with the teachers (from primary to university). This educational approach allows, among other things, to introduce the concept of participatory science, highlighting scientific research carried out by all.

To allow everyone to take an interest in karst, in the simplest way, we give great importance to the production and spreading of educational tools on the subject (booklet cards and board games).


Whether it is fun tourism, sports or geo tourism, we work with you in order to set up, on a territory or in group of professionals, means to enhance the karst environment. Highlighting the wealth of your territory, through interested and regulated tourism attendance, provides impeccable geopatrimonial monitoring.

We are currently working in partnership with professionals in the field of supervision to offer you a range of services allowing you to come and discover in a fun sporty and / or studious way, the extraordinary beauty of the karst world. Whether it is on hiking trails to observe sinkholes or the entrance to cavities to understand the modeling of a karst landscape, or whether it is in this dark world which will radiate under the lights of your lighting, you will be able to have fun understanding all the phenomena that create the karst void crossed by speleologists.


Caving / Karstology
Geology / Geomorphology
karstiqueKarst hydrogeology
Karst sedimentology
Karst environment
Karst meteorology
Hazard, risks and karst challenges
Protection of the karst environment
Topography and underground mapping
Natural environment instrumentation
Measurement in karst environment